12. Can I keep my car in Mexico?
There are two zones in Mexico and each one treats cars differently.
For the “Free Zone” or Border Zone that includes the entire Baja peninsula, you can have a foreign vehicle legally in this zone as long as it is driven by a foreign resident and has current registration in the country of registry. This is stated in the Rule 3.4.8 (Regla de Caracter General de Comercio Exterior 3.4.8). For the rest of Mexico you must get a temporary import permit for the car that is good for up to six months. The vehicle must exit the country after that period. This paper work is done at the Pichilingue ferry terminal, north end, at the Banjército CIITEV office. A sticker will be attached to your windshield and the car can remain on the mainland for 6 months, period. We recommend you have a current non mexican driver’s license if you are driving a foreign registered vehicle. It is illegal to sell a foreign registered vehicle in Mexico. Be sure you have the required liability insurance on your auto, it may save you an unpleasant stay in jail in the event of an accident.