7. Is there a fee for anchoring my boat in La Paz?
In 1997 the administration of most ports in Baja California Sur, including La Paz, were turned over to a State owned company, referred to as «API». The current (2022) PORT ENTRY fee for vessels under 39 tons is $94.68 pesos. For vessels 40 tons to 499 tons, the fee is $2.99 pesos per gross ton. For vessels 500 tons and over the rate is $3.69 per ton plus a flat fee of $6,618.71 pesos.
For 2022 the API anchoring fee in La Paz for in its harbor are shown in the following table:
Gross Tons | Pesos per Day |
1 to 20 | $14.57 flat fee |
21 to 499 | $125.03 flat fee |
When you clear into La Paz, you are supposed to go to the API BCS office on the Main Pier downtown, they will ask you to estimate the length of your stay in the harbor and will charge you according to the days you estimate you will stay. If you stay longer, go to API to pay the difference before checking out.
Boats in marinas do not pay an anchoring fee; if questioned, show API your receipts from the marina to be exempt for any time you spent in one.
The above fees change about every year, so we recommend you go to API,BCS’ web page for latest fee update https://www.apibcs.com.mx/tarifas-infraestructura/
API is responsible for maintaining lights and channel buoys in the harbor.