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The port of La Paz has provided a safe harbor for mariners since it was first visited by Hernan Cortèz in 1535, in his explorations of the Sea of Cortez. At that time vessels set their anchors in the outer bay and smaller vessels would row into the protected inner harbor to land on the beach for water and provisions. In 1863 La Paz inaugurated its first pier for small coastal freighters, later enlarged to its current form in 1942, which provided the only dockage for visitors. The few cruisers entering the harbor anchored out in the Bay.

In 1983, a half-dozen of these cruisers, the forerunners of the hundreds who now arrive each year, tired of carrying every block of ice, case of beer, and box of groceries out to their anchored boats by dinghy, joined forces with a boat-building company with a concession on the waterfront, to build a marina. Thus Marina de La Paz, the first floating marina on the Baja California Peninsula, the second in all of Mexico, was born. First six slips, then thirty-two, until today, thirty three years later, over one hundred fifty boats can be accommodated in Marina de La Paz.

The year 2004 was a year of remodeling for Marina de La Paz. All new docks with a new layout lie within the original confines of the marina and the Brazilian hardwood decking (Ipe) is a marked improvement. To provide maximum protection from waves that develop from the north or south where fetch is greatest we constructed a fixed breakwater system from heavy duty PVC sheet piling mounted on a massive concrete and piling structure. The two fixed breakwater sections were completed in 2005 (see photos) and in 2006 we added an additional 120′ of fixed breakwater as well as building a new 160′ dock to cater to the growing number of large yachts now visiting the Sea of Cortez.

Marina de La Paz is located within walking distance of downtown La Paz, a convenience worth considering when choosing between the various options available. Chandleries, yacht maintenance and marine services, sail and rigging repairs, diesel and outboard mechanics, carpenters, refrigeration specialists, electronics technicians, and full-service boatyards are all available in La Paz, making it an ideal stop for those needing these services. In addition, the proximity of La Paz to the United States makes it a favorite half-time home for many boating retirees.